Friday, March 27, 2020

Project 3- Concept and Mood

1. I liked the fact about the  Rumbelstiltskin story is that it is a fairy tale and has comedic aspects to it. I would be able to have more freedom to twist and turn the world in a manner that I could create a scene that has comedic value with some dark undertones to it. For I plan to have my scene set up from within Rumpelstiltskin's house with the point of view looking out through a door to see the him and in the trees you are able to tell there is someone spying on him as he is dancing around the fire happily. The environment would have mostly the interior of the house and be able to tell from the windows and the opening of the door that the character lives in the woods.

2. Humorous, magical, secretive, celebratory,  and mischievous

3. For the color for the scenes like reds, blues, purples, brown, and black would be good colors to have spread out through the scene as the warmer colors can be within the house to have the more upbeat mood while the outside has the darker tones to hint at his future failure to take the queen's baby. With the dominant shape being triangle to show that Rumpelstiltskin is a villain and though the environment will have some circles and squares to help present the trickster life. The lighting of the scene will be that of interior which, will be a lowly lit room by a fireplace and some candles. While the outside is night time with the fire being the primary source of light with the rest being only lit by moonlight.

Friday, March 20, 2020

In-Progress 3 Panel Gag Pt. 3

I got the line work and color done for the main characters but then realized that I forgot to add the ear for the first panel, so I'll have to go back and add that in for the final. Then all I have left is finishing touches and polishes.

Project 3